Is that me double-fisting someone or playing tug-of-war? Wouldn’t you like to know?
Well now you can! My hiatus has been so necessary and so rewarding. I’m still only halfway through my backlog of books, but the calm and quietude has been starting to chafe. Through this all, despite being pretty unavailble for months, I’ve somehow started the year with a surprising amount of being flown to suitors all about the country. It seems only right to formalize that newfound availability. So, let’s set some hearts ablaze.
A spot of time has opened up through February 14th during which I will be available for all kinds of FMTY fun as well as dates in Detroit and a couple tours yet tbd (keep an eye on Twitter, Tryst, or here). My last availability will be Valentine’s Day after which I will be back on hiatus for a while. Until then, let’s have some wild, unrepentant fun, shall we? It’s colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra, so warm up with a fiery, freckled one through February 14th.
As the bard once said: the mood is right / the spirit’s up / we’re here tonight / and that’s enough.
Your fav firecracker,